Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Day Of Holidays?? ♥

Last post in this holidays??
Hahaaaaa... I DON'T REALLY KNOW xD
Maybe i will update my blog when I am free
But, I think I will be very busy :/
Sorry READERS :(

Well... first thing I wanna say
I GET THE NEW SPEC!!!! wahahaaa
Thanks daddy & mummy!
I will always LOVE you :D

Sister, have you miss me? :X
See, I have buy for you Chocolate Mousse
That last time you saw me eat but you din have it to eat LOL!
Although you din at home, but I still buy for you
Am I so wu xim? xD
Faster come back tomorrow yar :))

Pragin just now to take back my phone
Xperia Mini
That people phone me to come here & take back my phone
But he cannot found it...
Woah /.\ Fantastic LOL!
At last, he give me a new Xperia Mini
I do nothing but get a new phone
I will be happy enough right? xD

Start my band activities tomorrow
Just now Section Leader sms to us
Said that saturday need to go funeral
Pantang? NO 
I'm thinking ---- what song will we want to play at there?
Hmm... Same as last time? actually I don't know... LOL
Want to memories again in one day time?
Oh No! :(
But, I will try my best to memories it xD

Clarinet test
Scare? Maybe...
Marching will start by tomorrow I think
All band members, especially clarinet members
Meet you all tomorrow yar :D

To All Readers
Enjoy your holidays :)

To Myself
JIAYOUSS in Clarinet Test :))
All of you also must jiayouss!!!!!!

 Chocolate Mousse ♥
#One sister, One mine :)

 Me ♥ #With new spec :))

 Clarinet ♥