Saturday, June 2, 2012

Past two days ♥

Band activities past two days
I'm really tired enough
Everyday can't sleep well
And marching everyday

Friday, first day of band activities
It rain heavily!
Whole body wet? NO
But still got wet a bit
It telling us UNLUCKY today? opps
Afternoon, marching started
Miracle? Or god playing us?
Morning rain heavily, but when reached afternoon
The weather damn good
One word to describe ------ HOT!
The sunlight was too strong...
Our skin is pain and red!
OH GOSH! It telling me I will become dark soon :O

Saturday, second day of band activities
Early in the morning, all of us marching together with pandu LOL
We are preparing for going the funeral
When reach there, we blow ' Ma Ma Hao '
Then stand there almost one hour!
We are so hungry and so hot! Sweating!
But we cant do anythings
Just have to wait and wait
Again, go in blow ' Ma Ma hao ' and add-on one more song ' Bian Se Long '
Stand again at there almost 20 minutes I think?
Finally!! The marching start...
God playing me? My shoelace drop OMG
But I don't dare to tied it back, because a lot of people taking picture /.\
I scare I will fall down LOL!
Fortunately DIN! hahaaa
2.00pm we reach school!
TIRED!!! Rest for about 1 hours 45 minutes
We still go Mcdonald for having our lunch
4.00pm continue our practise...
5.45pm back to my sweet home ♥
For those Jazz Band members, still practise till 10.00pm

After back from band activities
Prepare for going the friends of mom's buffet dinner
Long long time din wear skirt le :D
Because everytime go out also lazy choose clothes xD hahaa
After having buffet, go in sing K's room 
Meet Alice, who same primary school with me & also my fake sister :D
Sing lots of song for us to hear, NICE!
She becomes more prettier ♥
Today she going to perform at somewhere else with her beautiful voice!
Her voice so nice! Improve a lot when compare with primary school time
Hope she can achieve her dream! Become one celebrity :))
I will always support you, jiayouss ^^

Account tuition just now
Sleepy & tired! 
Going to buy present for daddy later hahaaa
But not yet decide go where to buy :/

Tomorrow, MONDAY
Clarinet test again...
Just try my best! GAMBATEH!

For all of clarinet members
Jiayouss!!! :)

For all band members,
Take care! Don't be sick...
Still got one more weeks of band activities
Especially Jazz Band members
Don't too tired... Rest more :)
Fight for school concert & sukan tahunan!!

 Yesterday looks xD

 At friend of mom's house
# Me with Alice ♥

 My shoes ♥
# Blue High Heels # Yesterday :)