Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Day Of Holidays?? ♥

Last post in this holidays??
Hahaaaaa... I DON'T REALLY KNOW xD
Maybe i will update my blog when I am free
But, I think I will be very busy :/
Sorry READERS :(

Well... first thing I wanna say
I GET THE NEW SPEC!!!! wahahaaa
Thanks daddy & mummy!
I will always LOVE you :D

Sister, have you miss me? :X
See, I have buy for you Chocolate Mousse
That last time you saw me eat but you din have it to eat LOL!
Although you din at home, but I still buy for you
Am I so wu xim? xD
Faster come back tomorrow yar :))

Pragin just now to take back my phone
Xperia Mini
That people phone me to come here & take back my phone
But he cannot found it...
Woah /.\ Fantastic LOL!
At last, he give me a new Xperia Mini
I do nothing but get a new phone
I will be happy enough right? xD

Start my band activities tomorrow
Just now Section Leader sms to us
Said that saturday need to go funeral
Pantang? NO 
I'm thinking ---- what song will we want to play at there?
Hmm... Same as last time? actually I don't know... LOL
Want to memories again in one day time?
Oh No! :(
But, I will try my best to memories it xD

Clarinet test
Scare? Maybe...
Marching will start by tomorrow I think
All band members, especially clarinet members
Meet you all tomorrow yar :D

To All Readers
Enjoy your holidays :)

To Myself
JIAYOUSS in Clarinet Test :))
All of you also must jiayouss!!!!!!

 Chocolate Mousse ♥
#One sister, One mine :)

 Me ♥ #With new spec :))

 Clarinet ♥

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuition ♥

29.05.2012 Tuesday
Zi Ling remind me that have add math tuition tonight
LOL i have really forget it xD
So we decide to eat together
At last, we self eat at home just went to tuition

We said that 7.30 meet at tuition centre
Then we went to Fresh Fruit Tea to buy drinks xD
REMEMBER ' xiao zhen zhu ' haha!!!!
I'm kinda mad when saying this :P

Start our add math tuition
Today is so less people 
I think, all of them went to trip right?
But me? Everyday at house :/
Start from friday, I need to go band activities 
Pressure? NOT!
Relax? NOT!
I don't know what I really feel
I just know that, I want to siao together with CLARINET MEMBERS :))

Ended my add math's tuition class
GOODBYE to teacher xD
Wish you have a nice holidays! Enjoy :D

So many ARGH!
Especially karangan... SOOOOOO MANY!!!!!
I think this two weeks are not holidays
Are homework days haizz...

To ALL Band Members
Our Holidays left ONE more day
Enjoy! Enjoy!
After that, add oil to our SUKAN TAHUNAN & SCHOOL CONCERT
We must jiayouss :)

To ALL Clarinet Members
Think positive? Hahaaa
Left ONE more day we will meet again xD
AGAIN, clarinet test GAMBATEH!!!! 
Believe yourself :))

 Our Drinks ♥ #fresh fruit tea
* Me, Evelyn, Evanne *

Monday, May 28, 2012

MOVIEs in this holidays ♥

我可能不会爱你 ♥
Nice Movie... xD 

林依晨, she looks pretty in this movie :)

Titanic ♥
Touch movie :')

The Advengers ♥
Funny hahaaaa xD

It will be okay =) ♥

Hey everyone!
Do you miss me? xD
I know that I already many months din come and update my blogger ^^
So, I want to say to u all ------- SORRY! :X

Results? OH GOSH! I feel it will let me dissapointed
Especially Prinsip Perakaunan & Bahasa Melayu
I'm kinda weak on this two subject
I'm trying to improve myself on this two subject
But i FAILED :(
Haizz... It's okay!
I hope i can improve on next coming exam --- 2A exam! :))

Now, I feel I'm totally in holidays mood
1st week of holidays, hang out with friends & relax xD
2nd week of holidays, start my band activities

Clarinet test~
I know we are worst enough...
But we are trying to improve!
Hope all of us can pass in that test...
Sure must!
If anythings happen make us cannot play and siao together,
Remember, we are still ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY!
Those things wont change our relationship...
In fact, don't because somethings that hurt us,
So we give up all those important things for us...

I just want to say
I believe we can!
We can pass! We must pass! We sure pass!
Jiayouss!!!!!!! :))