Sunday, January 27, 2013

A simple POST :) ♥

My new life ♥

Form 4.... Say goodbye to me
And HELLO to Form 5 :)

SPM is so pressure for me....
Everyday was full
Tuition, Band, School....

5M1 ---- What a good class, but not actually a good class...
5M1 is always 5M1, we are not 5S1 *forever*

Here we are :
My lovely class 5M1 :) 

4M1 & 5M1 classmate aka best friend :)

Besties :D 

My best friend, darling, and me :P

SPM jiayouss
Everyone jiayouss yar :D


Before end of Form 4 life
I had went to Taiwan and Bangkok ♥
Nice trip ever :D

What a cold place...
And lots of memory here :')
Senior and junior... 
We create nice memories between us...
My last trip with you all :D
Enjoy very much~ Thanks ^^

Nice trip with my family xD
Shopping shopping shopping
Eating eating eating

Picture here to show you :D
 We are woodwinds family *peace* 

 Heng Ee Symphony Band ( Wind Orchestra ) :D

 My roommate, my best friends :D

 AGAIN *hoho*

 Clarinet Section ; Happy family :D

 Disco Party 3 ; I love it soooo much ♥

Cold weather here...
But I won't forget it forever :))

 My family and I :D

 My mum and meee :)

 Me and my sis ; with coco behind *hoho*

 Here is sooo beautiful ♥

 My daddy and mummy kacau in the mirror haha!

Romantic hehe 

Me and my sis #again :D

Awesome trip...
Wish to go again with my family *yeah* xD